Our four and five-year-old achievers will be learning with our creative curriculum to go through the VPK program. This curriculum is designed to help prepare your child for Kindergarten. Each child will receive ongoing progress monitoring to ensure their readiness for Kindergarten. Evaluations will take place in every area including language, literacy, math, science, large motor, fine motor, and social/emotional. They will also be working on strategies needed for early reading. Alphabet knowledge, emergent writing, comprehension, and phonological awareness will also be main focus areas. Our VPK teacher will give one on one instruction with each child to work on all the listed areas. Interactive play is still produced in the VPK classroom to engage every child in learning to love learning. Every child will create a portfolio throughout the year. Art projects, writing, coloring, pictures, etc will be included to see their progress by the end of the school year.
Items needed for the VPK classroom are a crib sheet, small blanket, backpack, lunchbox, and a leak proof water bottle. A classroom supply list will be sent out at the beginning of every school year for VPK items needed.